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City Events Department

200 Coosa Street, Montgomery, AL 36104


Registration Deadline: November 30th  |  Entry Fee: $25 per entry (non-refundable)   
If you plan to have horses or any other live animals, contact Ken Reynolds at 334-354-6021.

Primary Contact

Full Address


Dimensions of float / flatbeds:

Dimensions of vehicle pulling it:

2022 Parade Rules and Guidelines: Download Rules

  • No “live” Santa, only an inflatable Santa is allowed, as the City ends the Parade with a Santa on a Fire Truck.
  • Walking entries may have no more than 50 persons
  • No vehicles used to solicit a business (i.e.: a passenger vehicle with a company magnet on the door or banner attached to the vehicle)
  • Floats must have some type of lighting
  • No bull horns will be allowed
  • No political signage is allowed
  • Float height should not exceed 12 feet
  • There should not be greater than one foot of decorations beyond the float base
  • There must be an adult on floats where there are children.
  • Fire extinguishers will be required for each float
  • No one will be allowed to get on or off a float or entry once it has started down the parade route.
  • No smoking, alcoholic beverages, or firearms will be allowed on any parade entry at any time before or during the parade.
  • Any entry utilizing a live animal should have a person assigned “Pooper Scooper” duties or if using horses they must be bagged no exceptions!
  • Any entry utilizing a motor vehicle should have working tail lights
  • Any motorized entry should not have excessive smoke
  • All items on any entry should be secure to protect against participant tripping hazards or the hazard from falling off the entry into the spectators
  • No sharp edges
  • Any driver will require a proper driver’s license
  • No participant should be allowed to move about the float during the parade
  • Motorcycle clubs are not allowed to perform any type of stunts along the parade route – and only those in a riding club will be permitted.
  • Flatbed Truck floats shall ensure participants on the float: do not sit with feet hanging over the sides, do not sit with back to the edges unless sides are walled, no more than 3-5 people standing on flatbed, handholds are in place for any standing riders, and no standing except toward the middle of the flatbed
  • Pickup Truck floats shall ensure participants on the float: stand only if sides are walled to waist height, no sitting on walls, roof or hood of the truck.
  • Ensure appropriate safety precautions are taken to protect against injury of participants or spectators

I have read and agree to comply with the rules and guidelines of the Capital City Christmas Parade.

Sign Here

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**An email with the link to pay the non-refundable
$25 Entry Fee will be sent after submitting**